Chapter 4 - Workflow: basics


4.4 Practice

1. Why does this code not work?

my_variable <- 10

The code does not work because there is a typo in the variable name that you are calling. The letter “i” is not the same in my_var(i)able.

2. Tweak each of the following R commands so that they run correctly:

ggplot(data = mpg) + 
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = displ, y = hwy))

fliter(mpg, cyl = 8)
filter(diamond, carat > 3)

To fix the commands, change “dota” to “data”, “fliter” to “filter”, “=” to “==”, and “diamond” to “diamonds”.


ggplot(data = mpg) + 
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = displ, y = hwy))

filter(mpg, cyl == 8)
## # A tibble: 70 x 11
##    manufacturer model displ  year   cyl trans drv     cty   hwy fl    class
##    <chr>        <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <chr>
##  1 audi         a6 q…   4.2  2008     8 auto… 4        16    23 p     mids…
##  2 chevrolet    c150…   5.3  2008     8 auto… r        14    20 r     suv  
##  3 chevrolet    c150…   5.3  2008     8 auto… r        11    15 e     suv  
##  4 chevrolet    c150…   5.3  2008     8 auto… r        14    20 r     suv  
##  5 chevrolet    c150…   5.7  1999     8 auto… r        13    17 r     suv  
##  6 chevrolet    c150…   6    2008     8 auto… r        12    17 r     suv  
##  7 chevrolet    corv…   5.7  1999     8 manu… r        16    26 p     2sea…
##  8 chevrolet    corv…   5.7  1999     8 auto… r        15    23 p     2sea…
##  9 chevrolet    corv…   6.2  2008     8 manu… r        16    26 p     2sea…
## 10 chevrolet    corv…   6.2  2008     8 auto… r        15    25 p     2sea…
## # … with 60 more rows
filter(diamonds, carat > 3)
## # A tibble: 32 x 10
##    carat cut     color clarity depth table price     x     y     z
##    <dbl> <ord>   <ord> <ord>   <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1  3.01 Premium I     I1       62.7    58  8040  9.1   8.97  5.67
##  2  3.11 Fair    J     I1       65.9    57  9823  9.15  9.02  5.98
##  3  3.01 Premium F     I1       62.2    56  9925  9.24  9.13  5.73
##  4  3.05 Premium E     I1       60.9    58 10453  9.26  9.25  5.66
##  5  3.02 Fair    I     I1       65.2    56 10577  9.11  9.02  5.91
##  6  3.01 Fair    H     I1       56.1    62 10761  9.54  9.38  5.31
##  7  3.65 Fair    H     I1       67.1    53 11668  9.53  9.48  6.38
##  8  3.24 Premium H     I1       62.1    58 12300  9.44  9.4   5.85
##  9  3.22 Ideal   I     I1       62.6    55 12545  9.49  9.42  5.92
## 10  3.5  Ideal   H     I1       62.8    57 12587  9.65  9.59  6.03
## # … with 22 more rows

3. Press Alt + Shift + K. What happens? How can you get to the same place using the menus?

This opens up a list of the keyboard shortcuts! Very useful. Using the menus, either type “shorcut” into the search bar under help, or find it under: tools: keyboard shortcuts help.